Sunday, 18 December 2011


After doing my commissions, i've only gone and got another one. Oh and sinusitis. Bring on the antibiotics.
I WILL however draw some comics in between paid picture progress and suffering head pain.

Oh and it's one week until Christmas!!! hurrah. wait, i haven't wrapped anything yet........ GAAAAAAA

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Hi everyone

Hi there comics and/or prozac loving friends. I haven't abandoned the comics, iv just been rather busy working on some commissioned art. Just a few little pieces for individuals; not bagged a dream job yet...
Promise to bring some fresh comics sooooon!!!!
Oh and iv been working on my original fictional comic too.....

Sunday, 27 November 2011

READ THIS ARTICLE!!!!! understanding depression

Here is a wonderfully straight forward article, which really helps give insight into how depressive people function.

Friday, 18 November 2011

Thought Bubble Leeds comic con

Off to thought bubble for thee weekend, selling my stuff!
hoping to draw some new comics while i am there..... stay tuned next week!

Also desparately hoping to meet Adam Hughes and Tim Sale, my heroes of comic books!!!! sooo excited, i might cry at Adam!!!

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

ooooo look what it is!!!!


pretty little mini comic collection! handmade by me, in time for Thought Bubble Comic Con. don't know if anyone will actually be interested in these, but they were fun to make!!

Monday, 7 November 2011

Comic 27

please note, none of the people around the table are meant to represent anyone i actually know (so no offense!!!), just illustrating the awkward point when everybody else already knows each other and you feel like a lemon...

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Comic 25

a somewhat destressing true story. We parked up right after and went to look for him but he was gone... Did seem like suicide too, he flew out of nowhere right at me!!

admittedly, this comic works better when turning pages....

Comic 25 Part 1 (teaser)

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Comic 23 - IM BACK!!!

Howdy, im back from my Spanish holiday, as white as when i left; well with a few additional freckles. Here's a comic that was in waiting. Holiday ones in process!

"Wait for him to text back". Or not......
aka filling the gap.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Comic 22

So i've decided that i want to try to keep a uniform size to these comics. Im thinking rectangular like this ( not that i remembered to frame this - whoops). I can fit several short panels in this one size, or use 2 of these frames for slightly longer comics ( like comic 19 - the smoking one).

Monday, 22 August 2011

Comic 21

EPIC WIN; well for me anyway!!!

Just to make a little more sense of this, i suffer from a slight tremor. I often get "are you cold" or "are you nervous". NO!!!

Thursday, 18 August 2011

What do you think??!!!

Once again the celeb hair do of the moment is that shaved undercut thingy. Only this time, one entire side of the head is shaved and the other is long and glossy.......... All the kids want it.

Monday, 15 August 2011

Comic 20

Last monday myself and Jude went to the private view of the exhibition that included 2 pieces of my artwork. On the whole we were not impressed... I know art is in the eye of the beholder or whatever; but it really did suck.

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Comic 19

Adventures at an Exhibiton Private View evening. I was informed there may be attractive men there. Nope.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Sorry for lack of comics!!!

I've been a bit busy with other things to draw my new comics. Will try to do a few asap!!!On a positive note i attended a private view of an exhibition last night, in which i had a couple of paintings selected for display!!! YAY!!
Otherwise i have been being my usual awkward self. Sometimes i wish i could go back in time to start things again, but then i know the past is past. We must not compare now to then. BUT now i still manage to end up sounding like a right wally when i am trying to refresh things, in my head i attempting to show that I'm not that wally....!! I know i apologise unnecessarily for things. But then again, if people care they should know that this is just unfortunately me being me!!! and likewise, when i say silly awkward things to any of you, it's only because i care too, i just don't know when to stop. i just have the worst way with words. like this ramble here.

 "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter." Dr Seuss

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Comic 16

Just to say in advance, i no longer need an invite!!

Sunday, 31 July 2011

Comic 15

Hi there, sorry for the absence, i've been suffering from brain freeze as far as the comics are concerned; that, and i'm not a fan of drawing myself (not overly useful). Now im back in the swing of things, and i've got plenty of ideas for future comics!!
Mostly just little day to day happenings, not directly due to, or because of the depression, but all things are relative.

I've also been deciding on what style to draw my comic-self, most previous posts have been rather rough, quick sketches, and i want to refine my style for these comics. Lots of re-drawing will be involved, eventually....!

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Comic 14

Although i have been actively practising positive thinking for quite some time now, over-analysis and paranoia is a pain; i can still end up making things worse by questioning them, seeing situations as negative.
I do recover more quickly now.

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Amy Pond as 'The Girl who Leapt Through Time' desktop

Fancy having this bit of my fan art as your background?!! I'l let you because i am nice!!!

Click to enlarge, then right click to apply (if you're on a mac, i havent the foggiest.)

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Another Oldie

Until i get some drawing time here's another old pic from 2006....

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

comic 12

Late update, sorry! been a bit busy, then had a rubbish headache for a few days. Not been up to drawing much. Here is a lazy, rushed update!

Friday, 15 July 2011

comic 11

Yesterday at work was one of these days, a day where you seemingly function from the outside, but inside you are somewhat numb, detached from your surroundings.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

comic 10

Some days i used to feel like the princess trapped up a tower, out of reach of help, in need of rescue....

Now i know princesses need to stop waiting around and save themselves.....

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

comic 9

Relapses are rare these days, but they do seem to have the worst timing.... Like this for example.
I seem to immediately loose the ability to string together any kind of sentence that makes sense. Oh and i normally end up sounding unintentionally needy too. BUM

Tuesday, 12 July 2011


Please click on the article to read!

Below are the pills that i take everyday,
and have been for about 6 years now. They are by no means a cure,
but they certainly help to keep me stable.

Monday, 11 July 2011

Today, Digging up art from the Past

Todays post is an old piece of artwork from my Uni days in 2006. Enjoy.

Friday, 8 July 2011

Comic 8

I find answering the phone a struggle, even when it's a friend. Unrecognised number?? NIGHTMARE!!!If they want me they'll leave a message.....

Monday, 4 July 2011

Comic 5

Emo's and depression, not the same thing, sure you can have depression and be an Emo, but depression has no specific face. It's an illness.


I will be posting a new comic later today. probably update everyweek day, undecided at the moment.

I would like to point out that largely the feelings i express in this comic are ones from over the many years i have been suffering; i am largely on top of things now, though i still have relapses, especially when things around me aren't going so great, things rub off on me, affect my mood.
I actually have little memory of when i was in my worst stage, i have heard from my mother some of the things i did, and it still doesnt trigger any memories of them.

The way my mind doesnt stop thinking and trying to understand things in way too much depth is still quite prevalent; it's these little thoughts i really want to illustrate!

Much love, Miss Jennie

Friday, 1 July 2011

Comic 4

Music lyrics take on another level when you're down.


Sometimes i find myself talking utter nonsense, and ruining moments of potential happiness in the process. Those moments when if i just shut my mouth, nothing would go wrong.
I have an amazing ability to self destruct. Instead of saying what i really mean too, my mouth just runs away from me, talking garbage, digging me deeper into a hole. The same hole i am trying to climb out of.  Then i try to back track, end up sounding desparate when i really dont mean to be, apologise, and the cycle just goes around again.

Also mobiles phones and depression are a deadly combination. Text messages are pretty much evil, they sound so sterile and really cant get the message across. Unfortunately for me i also have major phone phobia, i cant even phone my best friends without feeling sick.

Please understand us depressives often say exactly what we DONT mean!!!

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

A couple of real oldies.

Until i begin scanning new comics tomorrow, here are a couple of real oldies!


My new blog!!

Welcome to my new blog!
This is where i will be posting my depression comics.
I have been creating them since during uni in 2005.
I have been in some dark, strange places. My illness is part of who i am.
As well as getting my own feelings off my chest, i hope to share with others how the depressive mind works in strange ways; and if i can help anyone through my comics then all the better.
Oh and i hope to make you smile    ^_^