Sunday, 27 November 2011

READ THIS ARTICLE!!!!! understanding depression

Here is a wonderfully straight forward article, which really helps give insight into how depressive people function.

Friday, 18 November 2011

Thought Bubble Leeds comic con

Off to thought bubble for thee weekend, selling my stuff!
hoping to draw some new comics while i am there..... stay tuned next week!

Also desparately hoping to meet Adam Hughes and Tim Sale, my heroes of comic books!!!! sooo excited, i might cry at Adam!!!

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

ooooo look what it is!!!!


pretty little mini comic collection! handmade by me, in time for Thought Bubble Comic Con. don't know if anyone will actually be interested in these, but they were fun to make!!

Monday, 7 November 2011

Comic 27

please note, none of the people around the table are meant to represent anyone i actually know (so no offense!!!), just illustrating the awkward point when everybody else already knows each other and you feel like a lemon...

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Comic 25

a somewhat destressing true story. We parked up right after and went to look for him but he was gone... Did seem like suicide too, he flew out of nowhere right at me!!

admittedly, this comic works better when turning pages....

Comic 25 Part 1 (teaser)